Pulse ShowerSpas Rough-In Valve-Pressure Balance-Chrome Trim Kit 3001-RIV-PB-CH FHGTS_EC344

$60.78  $48.05

Product details:

PULSE ShowerSpas introduces the Tru-Temp? Pressure Balance Rough-In Valve and Trim Kit or Hot & Cold Automatic Compensating Valve! This valve utilizes a pressure balancing mixing cartridge to ensure constant water temperature in response to changes in water pressure (e.g. flushing a toilet). The valve also comes equipped with an adjustable Hot Limit Safety Stop to reduce risk of scalding, a Plaster Guard to be as a guide during installation, and a tub spout cap. The Trim Kit is equipped with a Friction-Fit? Trim to provide a clean, sleek look without mounting screws. Finish options include chrome, brushed nickel, and oil rubbed bronze. Each finish pairs beautifully with the Kauai ShowerSpa and many other retro-fitting units.